Gain a solid understanding of business reasons for monitoring employees and how to do so compliantly.Gain a solid understanding of business reasons for monitoring employees and how to do so compliantly. The reasons for monitoring employees at work are as varied and different as the multitude of industries and companies present in our economy. One thing they all have in common is, despite the reason for monitoring, companies want to make sure their monitoring complies with the law and best practices for human resources. Monitoring employees can be beneficial for both the employer and employees, but often employees don’t see it that way and complain about privacy infringement. This topic helps those responsible for making decisions about monitoring employees better understand the business reasons for monitoring employees and how to do it in compliance with the laws and practicalities of the workplace. This program will help you better decide who and what you want to monitor in your workplace and the best way to communicate that to employees to ensure they understand the reasons for the monitoring. Laying the foundation of why you monitor can eliminate the common claim of privacy violations by employees.
Date: 2023-01-09 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives