Enabling Employees by Rewarding Negative Behaviors (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 407932EAU


Gain a better understanding of how to manage employees without enabling bad behavior.Most organizational leaders and managers want better employee engagement, performance, and productivity, but oftentimes they are spending too much of their time dealing with the consequences of negative employee behaviors, and they fail to effectively deal with these behaviors. This topic will help leaders and managers identify the negative employee behaviors that often manifest at work, how they might be enabling these behaviors, and how they impact the culture and performance of the organization. The information will also explain how leaders and managers can develop a culture that rewards positive behaviors through clarifying values and expectations, aligning behaviors with values, and rewarding positive behaviors. This material will help you be better equipped to build a positive work culture that promotes and encourages positive employee behaviors while also minimizing the negative behaviors that can be detrimental to morale, engagement, and productivity.

Date: 2020-12-10 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Negative Employee Behaviors and Their Impact to the Organization
• Examples of Negative Employee Behaviors
• Why These Behaviors Manifest at Work
• Impact to the Organization’s Culture and Performance

How Managers Enable and Reward Negative Behaviors
• Focusing Too Much on Results
• Not Paying Attention
• Making Excuses
• Avoiding Conflict

Creating a Culture That Rewards Positive Behaviors
• Clarifying Values and Expectations
• Aligning Behaviors With Values
• Recognizing and Rewarding Positive Behaviors

No Credit Available

Jeremy Couch-Couch Solutions, LLC