Learn how respect and empathy for others will begin to drive behaviors that change the engagement and therefore amplify the results.Often people see etiquette as a table setting, think of etiquette as politeness, and feel they must be nice to practice good etiquette, yet fail to realize etiquette, modern etiquette is a nuanced version of communication, behaviors, and relationships, and not only can be effective, but it can also be empowering. This course will assist you in embracing the fact that we all share common approaches, and it is here where we are comfortable, yet the differences in how we think, speak, and engage are where we level up. By embracing and owning emotionally intelligent etiquette and sharing in a top 10 list, the respect and empathy for others will begin to drive behaviors that change the engagement and therefore amplify the results. There will be questions to ask and not ask others to get buyin and commitment in order to have sustainable, trackable results. Come with an open mind for how we engage and a willingness to put new tools into the rotation to create habits that are lasting.
Date: 2022-08-03 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives