Understand the key elements in conducting an environmental site assessment on contaminated property.Owner’s liability for contaminated sites can be very serious. Both from the regulatory side and from the public liability side. This liability can possibly run through to a financial institute that has REO property, underwriters, secondary purchasers, legal counsel as well as the perpetrators. A costeffective and wellorganized approach by a qualified and experienced environmental expert to the regulatory compliant characterization of a contaminated site can help in effectively stopping or controlling ongoing civil, criminal, andor regulatory liability. It can also assist in controlling the cleanup cost as much as possible, with the ultimate goal of placing the property back into a useable condition.All too often, a negligent tenant or building occupant will ignore environmental regulations resulting in illegal releases of harmful chemicals into the environment, which can create exposure concerns and owner liability. Determining the type of chemicals released, characterizing the damage done to the property and surrounding properties, determine exposure issues and risk assessment(s), properly documenting the source of the contamination, developing an effective remediation strategy can be challenging. This material will provide some key information that can help attendees understand the basics for assembling an effective team of experts to conduct the contamination identification and evaluation, conduct the site reconnaissance, develop an effective sampling plan along with an effective and regulatory compliant remediation plan.
Date: 2021-05-18 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives