Save your company money by establishing an effective ergonomics and injury prevention plan.OSHA’s efforts to regulate workplaces regarding ergonomic hazards have been complicated, and some state agencies now have more stringent requirements and enforcement powers in this area than their federal counterpart. Despite this, the new administration has a renewed focus on hazard assessment, including preventing injuries and illnesses from poor workplace design, injurious tool or equipment selection, or maintenance. OSHA can still take enforcement action under its General Duty Clause, with penalties of up to 136,532 per exposed worker, and there are recordkeeping and abatement considerations. In addition, ergonomic injuriesillnesses are now broadly recognized as compensable under state workers’ compensation systems, and injured third parties can bring tort actions against the host employer. This material will explain the theory of ergonomics and the most common workplace risk factors that impact most jobs. Awareness of early signs and symptoms, and early reporting, are essential in an effective ergonomics process. This material will address the roles of upper management, supervisors, and workers when implementing an effective program. This topic will also provide a fundamental overview of ergonomic hazard assessment, workers’ compensation claims mitigation, and what to expect from an OSHA inspection concerning ergonomics.
Date: 2021-12-21 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives