Learn best practices for getting your emails to rise above the noise so that they get opened and read.Email has become the number one most widely used communication tool in the workplace email even surpassed the cell phone for followup required communication. However, while it remains the number one most widely used communication tool, it is also the number one most widely misused, overused, and even abused communication tool because we all have some cringeinducing customer service email horror stories. In addition, many leaders in customer service today tend to multitask with email. Any emailed correspondence bearing your name or your organization’s insignia must be absolutely errorfree. Even a careless mistake in an email can damage an organization’s reputation and can make an entire work group look bad. Solutions lie in this fastmoving course designed for customer service professionals. Anyone who communicates with internal and external customers will benefit from this advice, covering topics such as recognizing the top seven credibilityrobbing mistakes in email and how to avoid them. This information will equip writers with the formula for a professional email subject line and how to write one consistently every time. You will learn the best practices for getting your emails to rise above the noise so that they get opened and read. Everyone who registers will learn from a rapidfire discussion of email hot topics such as tone and SCREAMING IN ALL CAPS. The course will conclude with one surefire proofreading practice to ensure your organization’s emails are errorfree with no embarrassing typos or mistakes.
Date: 2022-09-16 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives