Learn effective strategies to provide highquality customer service over the phone.Did you know you are limited to about 40 percent of your ability to get a message across over the telephone? Your customers don’t have the benefit of a nice, firm handshake they can’t see a smile or how well you’re dressed no body language to read no facial expressions for cues. You only have your attitude, audible senses, and vocal tone at work. As a result, your telephone communication skills are critical. Most of us draw mental pictures of our customers or prospects while on the telephone, often establishing longterm working relationships without having met them. Indeed, we are quick to visualize the person on the other end of the telephone without realizing that they are drawing a mental picture of us, too. How does the person on the other end of the line perceive you? Do you project professionalism? Are you perceived to be knowledgeable, confident, and competent? How well do you demonstrate characteristics that create an image your customers will remember with pleasure? Do you give the impression you will go the extra mile for customers?Jeannie Davis will share tips, tricks, and techniques to help you present exactly the image you want each customer to have of you and your organization. You will learn what to do before you pick up the phone, how to solve problems without transferring the customer’s call, how to determine what the customer really wants, and tips on handling situations where you need to transfer or give the customer unpleasant news.
Date: 2021-06-03 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives