Establish The Value of Work-Life Balance


SKU: 410707


Understand the process of implementing a solution for improving worklife balance for your employees.
For 30 years, CCG has been surveying employees, and one thing has not changed. Employees want more time off to spend with their family or friends, whether that is for traveling, relaxing, or pursuing hobbies. We take into consideration three circles when we engage with clients business needs, employee desires, and health and safety. If companies are open to alternative schedules or working from home, employees can benefit from more flexibility and free time. But with this freedom comes responsibility. If companies allow employees to pick the night shift because it allows the worker to coach baseball during the afternoon, then that worker has the responsibility to show up in order to keep production going. If an employee is allowed to work from home, companies need to be able to trust them to be focused, efficient, and to produce results. This topic will help you define worklife balance, which is different for every individual. Worklife balance means matching your work schedule with your lifestyle. You will be able to describe the process of implementing a solution for improving worklife balance for your employees. A decision maker will be able to discuss the importance of considering employee desires when redesigning schedules and will see the benefit in higher retention numbers and cost savings. And finally, you will be able to recognize when company policy or employer processes affect people when they are away from work.

Date: 2023-05-16 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to describe what alternative work schedules are.

* You will be able to discuss the benefits of working from home.

* You will be able to explain why employees are going to be expected to be connected all the time.

* You will be able to identify when company or employer processes are affecting people when they are away from work.

Alternative Work Schedules
• 4 Days/10 Hours Allowing for 3-Day Weekends
• 9 Day Fortnight – 9 Hour Days for 2 Weeks Achieving 80 Hours in 9 Days, Allowing for 3-Day Weekends Every Other Week
• 12 Hour Days Which Demands 3 Days This Week, 4 Days Next Week

Working From Home
• Offers Great Flexibility, but It’s Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be
• Making It Work Requires Approved Space, Proper Equipment, Self-Motivated Employees With Integrity That You Can Trust, Liability/OSHA Coverage

Future of Work Is the Gig Economy, What Does That Mean?

Employees Are Expected to Be Connected All the Time by Laptop and Cell Phones

Uncertainty Is the Only Thing That Is Certain

ASA ,HR Certification Institute ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Frank Pereira-Coleman Consulting Group