Plan accordingly with your spouse to take advantage of exemptions and benefits.
2026 is coming quickly. It is essential for wealthy married couples and their advisors to focus and prepare for the upcoming reductions to the federal gift, estate, and GST tax exemptions on January 1, 2026. This course will focus on planning tools and techniques to effectively prepare for these changes and to use the current increased exemption amounts. We will discuss proper gift reporting, estate planning concepts (including will and trust drafting ideas), generational planning opportunities, retirement account beneficiary planning, and life insurance considerations. Also, widowed clients can act now to utilize the new simplified method to increase surviving spouses estate exemption and elect portability and increase the surviving spouses federal gift and estate tax exemption.
Date: 2022-09-21 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to review federal gift, estate and GST exemptions.
* You will be able to describe clawback considerations.
* You will be able to identify planning tools and techniques to prepare for changes.
* You will be able to discuss proper gift reporting and when form 709 is required.