Learn how to best advise your snowbird clients on current issues related to estate planning and health care across state lines.This topic will provide you a solid understanding of the multitude tax and legal considerations that a winter visitor will encounter, many of which are not readily apparent but can result in costly mistakes. In the aftermath of the COVID19 pandemic with state and local governments facing high deficits, winter visitors are likely to be tempting targets for cashstrapped states and municipalities. Advising clients to avoiding these dangers will be a very worthwhile endeavor for practitioners. Availability of health care is also a crucial issue for the elderly. Proper advice as to eligibility of Medicare and Medicaid when crossing states lines will also avoid expensive misunderstandings. The importance of updating powers of attorney to avoid wrangling over outofstate documents will also be discussed. This material will cover all of this is valuable information for the winter visitor.
Date: 2020-12-01 Start Time: End Time:
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