Ethical Considerations When Managing Patients’ Pain (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 404732EAU


Gain an understanding of how to help maintain proper ethical pain management of patients.
We are practicing in the midst of a national crisis in which every day over 130 people in the US die of overdosing from narcotic prescriptions overdose, heroin, and other related drugs. Pain was described as the 5th vital sign by some drug companies in 1990’s and stated that patients would not be addicted to pain killers and providers began to over prescribe them in order to adequately treat pain. Approximately one third of chronic opioid user for none malignant pains misuse them. Incidence of neonatal abstinence syndrome has been on the rise due to widespread opioid use. CDC has published new guidelines as how to counteract this crises and regulatory agencies including states medical boards and DEA have increased enforcements against irresponsible and fraudulent opioid prescription writers to include license revocations and jail terms.

Date: 2019-02-07 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

How to Use Evidence-Based Medicine and Its Use in Pain Medicine

Brief Overview of Official Disability Guidelines and How You Can Plan for Treatment

Alternatives to Opioids Therapy

CDC Guidelines on Opioids Prescriptions

Monitoring Recommendation to Include Urinalysis, Pain Agreement, Etc.

No Credit Available

Fernando Aviles, M.D.-Eastside Rehabilitation Medicine & Pain Clinic, Raymundo Gonzalez, AGACNP-BC – Eastside Rehabilitation Medicine & Pain Clinic, Manouchehr Refaeian, M.D. – Eastside Rehabilitation Medicine & Pain Clinic