Avoid potential ethical problems and be aware of the rules and their application in practice.This course will provide important information to paralegals (and lawyers) regarding compliance with the ethical responsibilities under the Bar rules as well as risk management. Paralegals are permitted to perform multiple tasks and projects under the supervision of a licensed attorney. Paralegals also assist in managing the law office and recognizing and preventing (or mitigating) ethics violations. This course will identify crucial ethical issues and traps for the unwary and either prevent ethical issues from occurring or manage ethical issues when they occur.
Date: 2022-05-12 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives
Identifying and Resolving Ethics and Risk Management Issues
Client Intake: Properly Screening Potential Clients and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
Ethical Requirements for Lawyer Supervision of Paralegals: The Importance of Paralegal and Non-Lawyer Compliance With the Bar Rules and Paralegal Bonuses
Fees and Fee Agreements: Ethical Requirements for Charging Fees and Substance of Fee Agreements
Billing and Client Account Management: Ethical Billing and Client Account Management
File Closing and Records Management: The Critical Importance of Client File and Records Management
Ethics and Social Media Pitfalls
Technology Ethics Issues
NALA ,NFPA ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.
Joseph A. Corsmeier, Esq.-The Law Office of Joseph A. Corsmeier, P.A.