Understand what you need to consider when an employee seeks leave beyond the FMLA leave.
Employers regularly face employee leave requests. FMLAobligated employers must give covered employees 12 weeks of leave. However, there are times when an employee might need more than 12 weeks of leave afforded under the FMLA. Employers might be obligated to provide additional leave and dont always understand what their rights and obligations are when additional leave is requested. This presentation will help employers understand what they need to consider when an employee seeks leave beyond the FMLA leave and how to proceed through the process as they work to determine whether to provide additional leave and for how long they need to provide it. This course will provide employers with a framework they can use as they consider individual leave requests so that they can work to comply with requisite federal, state, and local laws.
Date: 2023-03-07 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to describe the different leave laws that employers must follow.
* You will be able to explain what an employer must do if an employee needs more than 12 weeks leave.
* You will be able to recognize how to evaluate individual employee leave requests.
* You will be able to review individual leave requests and determine a proper course of action.