Family responsibilities discrimination against employees because of their family caregiving responsibilities, whether conscious or unconscious, is becoming a major issue for employers.
Employers have been the subject of increasing, but not well understood, claims based on FRD claims. These claims have been pursued under a variety of both federal and state laws, and have resulted in multimilliondollar verdicts. Learn how stereotypical thoughts about the work commitment and ability of employees with care obligations away from the workplace have led to costly claims. The EEOC has become quite active in the area since the issuance of its Enforcement Guidance Unlawful Disparate Treatment of Workers With Caregiving Responsibilities which our speaker will be discuss and analyze. Review the proactive steps you can take to insulate your organization from FRD claims, and how to provide a workplace that can attract and retain capable employees who also happen to have family responsibilities. Understand how you can create and implement a policy to prohibit discrimination due to family responsibilities. Gain the know how to provide a workplace free of family responsibilities discrimination that will help facilitate a high morale and productive workforce, and avoid costly claims.
Date: 2019-09-24 Start Time: End Time:
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