Gain a sense of control over your money rather than letting money have control over you.We all understand that money matters. But we may not all know how to achieve financial wellness. The first steps to financial security are planning and following through on a personal spending plan or budget. Budgeting is about choices choosing how to make money and choosing how to spend it. Professionals attending this program will learn how to get a handle on how they spend their money and how to prepare and follow a personal spending plan or budget. Through exercises, identify and develop a plan to get rid of bad debt and increase your good debt to be prepared for your financial future. Financial boot camp training helps reduce the anxiety of not knowing whether there’s enough money to pay expenses when they’re due and gives one a sense of control over one’s money rather than letting money have control over you. This program also provides suggested methods to help build assets that will improve the quality of life for the individual and their families by learning the basics of estate planning and retirement.
Date: 2022-12-09 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives