Know with confidence which items of information to share and which items to keep confidential regarding the Freedom of Information Act.The Virginia Freedom of Information Act has been on the books since 1968. Modeled after the Federal law, it sets out the rules for state and local agencies, as well as state and local elected officials. Buddy Holly sang ‘I fought the law, and the law won.’ This session is aimed at helping you work within, not fight the law, and to win for your office and the locality or state agency you represent. This course will help state and local officials understand the law and live with it in a way that carries out the aim of the law and doesn’t jam up your agency’s work. The presenter has a long career of explaining the Freedom of Information Act for local and state officials in a way that reduces any problems of citizens complaining about the officials’ work and makes it straightforward for how to comply.
Date: 2024-08-15 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives