Fundamentals of Python (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 409254EAU


Learn the basic concepts of Python along with its many popular features.Python is a free, opensource programming language that is one of the most widely used over the web but can be used for other software development. It is frequently compared to Visual Basic and has been on the rise in the data science industry. It’s easy to learn and maintain. It is known for combining remarkable power with clear syntax. Code can be grouped into modules and packages.Python is a very readable language, but tips and howtos will make your journey easier. Master the concepts of Python. Learn how to use the interactive interpreter while seeing how easy it is to execute a script. This course begins with the basic concepts continuing onto its many popular features including structuring with indentation.

Date: 2021-08-31 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

• What Is Python?
• Origins
• Read/Write From Microsoft® Excel®

Control Flow
• Interpreter and Line Editing
• Strings and Functions
• If Statements and For Statements
• Range Functions

• Modules and Packages
• Manipulating Data in Lists and Tuples
• Looping
• Variables and Sets
• Conditions

Names and Objects
• Classes
• Variables
• Iteration

• Syntax
• Handling Exceptions
• Clean-up

AIPB ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Lauritta Sowa-WiseOwlOps, Inc.