Gain an understanding of the U.S. rules of origin and marking requirements that apply to your products.Articles that are imported into the United States are required by law to be marked to reflect their countries of origin. The failure to properly mark and declare the correct country of origin to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) can lead to a host of extremely unpleasant consequences for U.S. importers detentions, seizures, demands for redelivery, liquidated damages, loss of preferential duty benefits, marking duties, civil and criminal penalties, etc. U.S. importers are required to exercise reasonable care over their import operations, which means that they are expected to implement sound processes for ensuring that accurate information is declared to CBP and all other import and other U.S. government agency formalities are fully satisfied including the country of origin and marking of their merchandise.This topic is intended to give you a basic understanding of the U.S. rules of origin and marking requirements that apply to your products. International trade attorney Peggy Chaplin Louie will provide an indepth discussion of the applicable rules that every importer is expected to master.
Date: 2021-01-13 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives