Understand the benefits and implications of the generationskipping transfer tax so you can effectively advise your clients.Many clients and tax practitioners fail to fully comprehend the generationskipping transfer tax implications in their estate and family wealth transfer planning. However, the generationskipping transfer tax is always present and in many ways may be an unintended tax imposed on the taxpayer. This topic will allow estate planning and tax advisors to spot the generationskipping transfer tax issues, to understand the taxable events that will trigger a generationskipping transfer tax, and introduce techniques used to avoid or mitigate the generationskipping transfer tax. This important topic will also provide the advisors the tools and information necessary to navigate through the various generationskipping transfer tax laws and avoid the unintended tax implications for their clients. For many clients the goal will be to avoid the generationskipping tax altogether and this knowledge will help you advise your clients accordingly.
Date: 2019-10-28 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives