Minimize risks for your nonprofit while boosting the donors benefit with a solid gift acceptance policy.
Through effective gift acceptance policies and procedures, gift revenue may be increased for charitable organizations while tax and other benefits can be maximized for donors at reduced risk of legal or ethical violations. This topic will help you review or prepare gift planning policies and procedures, the essential structure for gift acceptance, recording, and reporting. Learn the best practices associated with education, cultivation, negotiation, completion, recognition, and stewardship of gifts. Best practices assure compliance with legal and ethical standards to serve the interest of both donors and charities. This topic will share model policies for all types of planned gifts, assets for gifts, documentation, privacy, crediting, valuing, recognition, stewardship, reporting, ethical standards, and many other topics.
Date: 2023-06-09 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to review the reasons for gift acceptance policies and procedures.
* You will be able to explain best practices in implementing gift acceptance policies and procedures.
* You will be able to discuss essential components of gift acceptance policies and procedures.
* You will be able to identify compliance with legal and ethical standards.