Health Care Cost Sharing: Spousal Coverage Options (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 397257EAU


Understand the pros and cons of a spousal surcharge or carveout and prepare for successful implementation of any changes.Many employers are facing significant health plan cost increases again this year, even after taking costmanagement initiatives into account. Some are changing their approach to spousal coverage in an effort to manage costs. This topic will discuss health plan spousal surcharges and spousal carveouts and the differences between them. The material will review the pros and cons of each approach, address potential legal issues, and identify the health plan features, costsharing structures, and population demographics of plans that realize cost savings with a spousal surcharge or carveout. Proper implementation of any benefit change is key to its success. This information is critical for employers considering changes to spousal coverage so they can determine whether their organization may benefit from a spousal surcharge or carve out and prepare for successful implementation of any changes.

Date: 2022-02-10 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

What Is a Spousal Carve-Out and a Spousal Surcharge, and How Do They Differ?
• Spousal Carve-Out Definition
• Spousal Surcharge Definition
• Key Differences Between Them
• Variations

Pros and Cons of Each Approach
• Pros of a Spousal Carve-Out
• Pros of a Spousal Surcharge
• Cons of a Spousal Carve-Out
• Cons of a Spousal Surcharge

Legal Issues
• State and Federal Discrimination Laws
• Affordable Care Act

How to Determine If Your Organization Will Benefit?
• Health Plan Design Factors
• Population Demographics

• Plan Design
• Communication

No Credit Available

Kelly Haab-Tallitsch-Amundsen Davis, LLC