Arm yourself with the information needed to protect your nonprofit when utilizing cause marketing.
Everyone wants to do good while doing well. This practical, howto information will explain how. Learn the compliance requirements for the major types of cause marketing programs. These include donationwithpurchase, donationatcheckout, and various freeaction programs in social media. Get checklists of state registration and disclosure laws. Plus, find out how to distinguish between allowable nonprofit acknowledgement of your sponsor from potentially taxable advertising under the IRSs qualified sponsorship guidelines and UBIT rules. This program provides the essential information for any nonprofit considering any type of cause marketing program.
Date: 2020-09-16 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:30 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to describe how to structure agreements with corporate sponsors.
* You will be able to identify registration duties for the nonprofit and the commercial sponsor.
* You will be able to discuss issues to consider for offers made in foreign countries.
* You will be able to review UBIT, selfdealing and other tax issues for all nonprofits to consider in all cause marketing transactions.