Understand the dynamics of decisionmaking and how manager credibility softens the impact of a Nodecision with minimal disappointment.
Frequently in business, decisions must be made, and approval given for requests, small and large, involving personal andor business interests. Say No when you shouldnt, and you may pass up opportunities and options that benefit the individual, department, or organization. But there are situations and dilemmas where No is the right answer. How does a manager come to the right decision quickly and deliver an unfavorable response to the requestor, without negatively impacting the employee or the departmental relationships and morale? This presentation will help managers and business leaders understand the dynamics of decisionmaking and how manager credibility softens the impact of a Nodecision with minimal disappointment and unhappiness. The webinar also expounds on what can go wrong when saying No and how to establish safe relationships with familiarity and structure. Failing to realize the crucial nature of these relationship events can result in employees constantly seeking your decision on matters they should know are not acceptable, with an increased need for you to refuse them. Follow the approaches outlined in this webinar and avoid this vicious cycle
Date: 2024-02-15 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:00 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to explain what could go wrong when saying No.
* You will be able to describe ways to establish relationshipsafety through familiarity and structure.
* You will be able to discuss three approaches for understanding the request impact.
* You will be able to identify how to redirect negativity when you must say No.