Gain a better understanding of how to accurately execute Form 1099R and handle all of the situations that can arise.Form 1099R is a common form but most people who handle the form do not understand the ins and outs of it. Basic 1099R forms are straightforward but it doesn’t take much for complications to set in. For example, when is a required minimum distribution required? What if the participant wants to roll their RMD into a charity? What if the account has aftertax basis? What about Roth conversions involving aftertax basis and partial withdrawals from a traditional IRA? What are the contribution limits and what happens if someone exceeds those limits? This topic will answer all of these questions and more. The IRS can assess penalties against issuers of Form 1099R for failure to comply with the rules. A mistake on the form can also cost a taxpayer money. Therefore it is critical to know how to handle this form and deal with all of the situations that can arise.
Date: 2019-11-05 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives