Be compliant with the mandatory sexual harassment prevention training required by the Illinois Human Rights Act.
Recent changes to the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA) require all Illinois employers to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all Illinois employees by December 31, 2020, and once per year thereafter. All Illinois employers will need to administer mandatory training to all employees, including parttime employees, shortterm or temporary employees, interns, etc., especially since the Illinois Department of Human Rights announced recently that it will not extend the December 31, 2020 deadline due to the COVID19 pandemic. Lorman Education Services, in partnership with the law firm of SmithAmundsen LLC, has developed a training program designed for Illinois employers to train their employees (supervisors and nonsupervisors) beginning immediately through this convenient online program that will not exceed 1hour in length.
By registering for or participating in Lorman Education Services Sexual Harassment Prevention Training, you acknowledge and agree that the material shall not be construed as legal advice, but is merely intended to provide you or your organization with information related to Illinois mandatory training requirements pursuant to the Illinois Human Rights Act. The training presented is not designed or intended for any unique or particular employer. Additionally, the training presented shall not be utilized or relied on by anyone working for a restaurant or bar as those terms are defined under the IHRA. By registering andor participating in this training, you and your organization agree to waive any and all rights or claims against, and hold harmless from any and all loss or legal claim, Lorman Education Services, the presenter andor the law firm of SmithAmundsen LLC, resulting from the content or delivery of this training material.
All participants, and their respective organizations, are solely responsible for all legal obligations they may have under the law, including, but not limited to, all training, certification and recordkeeping requirements and obligations under the IHRA.
Date: 2020-08-27 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:00 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to define sexual harassment and other forms of harassment under the law.
* You will be able to identify examples of conduct that constitutes unlawful sexual harassment and other forms of harassment.
* You will be able to explain Equal Employment Opportunity Commission involvement.
* You will be able to review responsibilities of employers regarding sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination.