Understand the laws and regulations applicable to safety and health audits and how to avoid legal pitfalls.Many employers think that they have a good safety and health program but a review of the company’s workers’ comp experience, as well as losttime injury and illness rates, demonstrates something is lacking. This course will examine key reasons for conducting a safety and health audit as part of any company’s integrated safety and health management plan. The material will review the types of audits that employers can utilize, as well as define the role audits play in improving the company’s overall safety and health management system. The course will also analyze practical guidance, including structuring and designing the audit staffing and roles of the auditors tracking, analyzing, and reporting audit results and the followup necessary for audits. The material will discuss the laws and regulations applicable to safety and health audits and how to avoid violating those rules. Finally, we will examine potential ways that employers can bring safety and health audits under legal privilege in order to avoid disclosure to an OSHA investigator or plaintiff’s attorney.
Date: 2022-01-21 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives