Improve Workplace Performance With Better Listening Skills (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 408062EAU


Avoid miscommunication issues learn this easy to follow method for active listening and ensuring that messages are received as they were intended.Studies have shown that the average person only listens at 25 percent capacity. Another study showed that a total estimated cost of 37 billion could be attributed to lost productivity due to miscommunications and assumptions. That study involved a survey of 400 companies with a total of 100,000 employees. The same study found that the average cost per company was 62 million per year. Group Vision estimated in another study that Fortune 500 companies wasted an estimated 75 million per year on meetings and the major culprit for the waste was ineffective listening skills when materials or information had to be constantly repeated. This topic will address some of the most common causes or reasons for miscommunication and poor listening. It will also provide a systematic, easy to follow method for active listening and ensuring that messages are received as they were intended.

Date: 2021-02-03 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Positive and Negative Consequences of Listening or Not Listening
• Relationships and Deals Gone South Because of Poor Listening Habits
• Successful Relationships Rooted in Ones Ability to Listen
• Specific Examples From Business

Factors That Cause Poor Listening
• Wrong Environment – e.g. Noise, Ringing Phones, Interruptions From Others
• Thinking About What We Want to Say – Either to Refute or Impress
• Pre-Judging the Speaker Based on Past Experiences or Hearsay

Tips for Making Yourself an Effective Listener
• Adjusting Your Attitude Toward Speaker or Topic or Both
• Setting the Right Environment
• Listen Acronym

Making It Work for You
• Identifying Your Listening Weak Point
• Addressing Your Listening Strengths and Developmental Opportunities
• Exercises for Developing Your Listening Skills

Developing a Habit of Listening Effectively
• Testing Your Skills
• Measuring Progress

IAAP ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Michael Cox-Michael Cox Management and Sales Training