Learn how to review your own practices when engaging Form 1099 independent contractors and gain tips on how to better control and diminish related risks.
Engaging workers to perform services but who are not classified as direct employees presents many risks to employers. Local, state and federal government agencies are cracking down on employers in the area of Form 1099 independent contractors. Employers must not only recognize the legal risks and potential liabilities associated with engaging the services of such workers, but need to be provided practical guidance and realworld tools in order to diminish these risks and liabilities. This topic, presented through examples of actual legal battles from across the United States, will provide attendees with insight into what to be aware of and tips on how to protect their respective organizations.
Date: 2020-08-20 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:30 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to define a bona fide independent contractor and distinguish from a hopeless employee.
* You will be able to identify risks associated with engaging services of the Form 1099 independent contractor worker.
* You will be able to recognize key differences in the application of substantive areas of law with Form 1099 independent contractors.
* You will be able to review your own practices when engaging 1099independent contractors, and will be provided information and tips on how to better control and diminish related risks.