Understand your risk and options for utilizing insurance coverage for environmental claims.
In light of a recent wave of lawsuits alleging corporate liability based on the use and presence of emerging chemicalsas well as rapidly emerging state and federal regulations regarding the use, presence, and cleanupit is important now, more than ever, for policyholders to understand their risk and options for utilizing insurance coverage for longtail environmental claims. This presentation will help professionals from various industries to evaluate their (andor their clients) potential risk of liability and will provide knowledge and guidance on navigating insurance for longtail environmental claims, from identifying potential coverage to claim submission and recovery.
Date: 2023-03-23 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to describe an overview of emerging contaminants and who and what is at risk.
* You will be able to identify your potential risk of liability.
* You will be able to explain your options for utilizing insurance coverage for longtail environmental claims.
* You will be able to review claim submission and recovery.