Understand your role (and risks) in an IPD Agreement and evaluate tradeoffs of various IPD Agreement structures and what incentive tools will allow you to maximize value.
IPD Agreements are an alternative to traditional forms of design and construction contracting, to address inefficiencies and waste that result from the siloed roles of designers and contractors. The concepts are somewhat new and contracts can vary widely to address the needs of a particular project. Accordingly, the contracts can be difficult to review without understanding how IPD Agreements are structured. Which participants will sign an agreement directly with the owner and how will the others join? What is the basic compensation that will be paid to a project participant, what portion of compensation is placed at risk, and how is incentive compensation earned? This topic will provide that context so a project participant can evaluate their role (and risks) in an IPD Agreement proposed to them, and so an owner can evaluate tradeoffs of various IPD Agreement structures and what incentive tools will allow them to maximize value. The information will also cover some unique aspects of IPD Agreements like insurance and indemnity, and compare some of the available IPD Agreement templates.
Date: 2020-02-25 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives