Maximize your intellectual property protections and obligations if the government challenges a restrictive assertion.A company’s intellectual property is one of its most important assets and can be a subject of difficult negotiations, even in the commercial sector. Extensive regulation, however, increases the challenge when contracting with the federal government. Paired with the government’s everincreasing focus on contractor intellectual property, contractors unfamiliar with the regulatory scheme surrounding contractor intellectual property may unwittingly surrender rights to the government. This not only can compromise the value of a specific asset but also of the company as a whole. This course will help government contractors understand when and how the government obtains rights in a contractor’s intellectual property, focusing on technical data and computer software. It will also explain how contractors can maximize their intellectual property protections visavis the federal government, including their obligations if the government challenges a restrictive assertion. This information is vital for any company that considers its intellectual property a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Date: 2022-01-27 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives