Understand the importance of LGBTQ inclusion, and institutional and individual actions that can be taken to promote LGBTQ inclusion.While there have been some setbacks in LGBTQ inclusion over the last two years, our society is generally moving on the path toward increasing LGBTQ inclusion in the workspace (per Bostock). With increasing LGBTQ diversity in the generations entering the workforce, organizations of all sizes must be conversant in LGBTQ identity and ready to meet the unique challenges of their LGBTQ employees and colleagues to be a modern workforce that exemplifies best practice and to prevent liability. This topic will help individuals that are leaders and culture carriers to better understand the fundamentals of LGBTQ inclusion in the workspace, including understanding the meaning of the various identities comprised under the LGBTQ umbrella, the importance of LGBTQ inclusion, and institutional and individual actions that can be taken to promote LGBTQ inclusion. This material also will provide some insight on what organizations that are beyond basics should be thinking about to be truly inclusive of LGBTQ colleagues.
Date: 2021-10-26 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives