Learn the fundamentals of labor and employment law, as well as how to perform legal duties related to this area of law.Many employers receive charges of discrimination from the EEOC or claims for overtime from former employees. The employer needs to prepare a position paper for the EEOC or deal with the overtime issue. The employer insists it didn’t discriminate or it paid every dollar of straight time, but this employee was exempt. However, most employers do not know what information is critical to the EEOC or what information is needed to defend overtime claims and how the employers own documents or lack of them can give the claimant the victories. This presentation will help the persons responsible to understand what are the legal and factual issues, what documents are critical and why and what information is needed to defend (or to make claims). The information learned can be used to help employers audit and correct issues so the situation does not reoccur, and allow people to assist proactive companies in other areas of employment law to prevent future problems from occurring.
Date: 2024-07-16 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives