Understand the regulatory backdrop that repayment agreements are subject to.
Many businesses consider entering into repayment agreements with their employees or customers. Repayment involves paying money back that was previously borrowed. This presentation will discuss reasons for entering into repayment agreements, terms to include and exclude, and when and with whom businesses should not enter into repayment agreements. The presentation will explain the regulatory backdrop that repayment agreements are subject to and the potential necessity of acquiring a license to make and service them. The topic is intended to help businesses who are considering using repayment agreements (or who are already doing so) with flagging issues they need to address and get right for regulatory and compliance purposes. The program will also discuss heightened regulatory and enforcement activity involving repayment agreements that businesses need to be aware of. Repayment agreements can be beneficial to a business, but they also can present substantial risks of civil and regulatory liability.
Date: 2023-02-15 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to discuss when it is appropriate to enter into a repayment agreement and when it is not.
* You will be able to explain what terms should be in repayment agreements and what terms should not.
* You will be able to identify persons who should be made parties to repayment agreements and persons who should not.
* You will be able to review debts that can be included in repayment agreements and debts that cannot.