Learn lean supply chain management concepts that will help improve inventory reduction and flow.Over the last 25 years, lean supply chains have been focused on being just in time and using the lowest possible cost. This has worked well because the market needs to be changed slowly, but recent disruptive events have shown how illequipped supply chains are to deal with frequent massive disruptions. The pandemic, geopolitical tensions, and changing buying patterns in the B2B, B2C, and D2C customers requires a paradigm shift in supply chain strategy and lean supply chain management. The development of a lean supply chain in today’s environment requires an implementation methodology that focuses on developing a lean supply chain strategy that fully considers customer needs across all channels and drives a company’s business strategy. The appropriate strategies and management approaches to leverage technology, supply chain best practices, organizational capabilities, and metrics are all necessary. Employing the Supply Chain Hierarchy of Needs, a supply chain practitioner will be able to create a robust supply chain strategy utilizing lean and agile techniques and understand how to bridge the gap between strategy and results.
Date: 2022-09-14 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives