Understand the features, nuances, complexities and risks of leaseleaseback projects.LeaseLeaseback can be a very effective tool for project delivery and has been enjoying increasing popularity. It involves an owner leasing a site to a developer who, in turn, develops the project and leases it back to the owner. The developer can be paid over the course of construction and for a postconstruction occupancy period, or the developer can fully finance the project until completion, with the lease payments commencing at project completion. Either way, owners are given flexibility to engage developers early in the project, before the plans and specifications are completed, resulting in more collaborative projects with less claims and delays. Unlike in designbuild projects, owners will retain design responsibility. Done correctly, the projects can be quite successful. Done incorrectly, owners and developers can be exposed to significant risk, including in some states, disgorgement of all monies paid and liabilities for conflicts of interest.
Date: 2020-02-28 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives