Gain an understanding on how to practice law virtually in an ethical and safe manner while protecting yourself and your clients.As a result of the pandemic, many attorneys were abruptly forced into fulltime remote practice. For some, the transition was already in progress, or came naturally. For others, it has been a difficult and challenging transition. This topic highlights the legal and ethical implications of virtual practice for attorneys working remotely during the pandemic, and the areas that pose the most legal and ethical risk. The material also reviews the latest statutes, regulations, tips and trends impacting remote practice. Failing to appreciate the pitfalls created by fulltime remote practice not only jeopardizes the ability to keep clients, but also exposes attorneys to professional negligence claims and ethics complaints in the months and years to come. This information is critical for attorneys seeking to maintain their practice at a high level.
Date: 2020-05-01 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives