Understand the essential skills of a good leader and learn to empower and inspire employees.Managers, especially those who are new or inexperienced, often overlook certain key intangible qualities such as a genuine caring for people, integrity and communication skills. Executives who elevate strong individual contributors into management or leadership, often do the same. The lack of these qualities often lead to unnecessary workplace conflict, turnover and lowered productivity. This topic will help new managers, as well as the persons responsible for moving people into management, be aware of five key soft skills or people skills that are critical to successful leadership. They will understand what the qualities are, how they relate to the workplace and the consequences when they are lacking. This material will describe key behaviors that demonstrate such qualities and how they are all related to the development and maintenance of trust. Ensuring the leaders demonstrate these qualities regularly and that those who are elevated into leadership positions can also demonstrate them will help avoid the turnover, lower levels of engagement and lost productivity which can often cost businesses tens of thousands of dollars.
Date: 2021-08-20 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives