Learn how to increase your visibility and recognition by communicating with confidence and poise outside your comfort zone.In the past, many thought that only extroverts were leaders. In today’s world, we realize that in the C Suite, there is a similar number of introverts and extroverts among our senior leaders. This presentation will help you understand the considerable strengths (and occasional weaknesses) of introverts and extroverts. It will also introduce you to what is for many a new term, an ambivert. An ambivert is someone who acts like an introvert at times and an extrovert at other times. Our speaker believes you have to act like both to be an effective leader. But for most of us, we are natural introverts or extroverts, and we should learn to act like the other to be a good leader. However, it can be exhausting, and we have to take introvert or extrovert breaks to recharge ourselves. Understanding people through the lens of their personality is only one way to look at people but using it can help us be better leaders for ourselves and others.
Date: 2022-01-12 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives