Learn to effectively manage a remote sales team with these proven processes.The keys to successful remote sales management. Without an effective, tested and proven remote sales management process, guidelines, and techniques it is all but guaranteed that your sales force will produce poorer results, poor margins an inconsistent revenue not to mention a lack of purposeful growth and effective competitive positioning. This presentation will share dozens of ideas, concepts, techniques and strategies to maintain motivated, focused and performancedriven salespeople regardless of their tenure, location or experience. This topic will cover critical management techniques, creating a motivated and purposedriven sales effort, effective communication skills to ensure integritybased performance, purposeful coaching and training giving everyone the skills they need to achieve expected results, effective territory management, conducting remote employee reviews, maintaining integrity and accountability and effective and purpose reporting to ensure each person is performing at peak levels regardless of their background. This is a MUST session for any sales manager or director who is responsible for any number of sales representatives regardless of their location, experience, income level, and sales territory responsibilities.
Date: 2020-04-21 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives