Learn proven strategies to get past the gatekeeper and reach the decision maker.A weak activity pipeline makes the salesperson a lamb. Conversely, a strong, active pipeline makes the salesperson a lion. Inconsistency with respect to getting meetings with the right people has a direct negative impact on the salesperson’s lifestyle, income, and motivation. There is no magic potion that you can use on your prospect to make them do what you want them to do. This course will affirm the approaches that are currently working for you and give you the reasoning behind the success so you can replicate it. In addition, this material will help you change your approach by using a proven system that will allow you to more successfully get appointments with people that can influence the buying decision or directly buy your product or service. Deciding to better your approach is the first step to improving your activity, your number of appointments, your conversion ratio, and the amount of your paycheck.
Date: 2022-01-24 Start Time: End Time:
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