Gain a thorough understanding of the probate process and the laws associated with it.At some point in life, everyone encounters the probate process, whether as the surviving spouse or child of a decedent, a named personal representative of an estate, or a beneficiary or creditor of an estate. This topic will provide a roadmap of the probate process so that anyone, especially those appointed to administer the estate, will be able to navigate the process with full knowledge of the major tasks to be done and full visibility to avoid any pitfalls. The major topics to be covered include formal vs. informal probate, opening and administering the estate, accepting and rejecting creditor’s claims, personal representative’s and attorney’s fees, and typical areas where litigation may arise. For anyone who is or will be going through the probate process, this information is vital to ensure an efficient probate administration and avoid unwanted delays and stress.
Date: 2022-01-27 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives