Ensure you understand and comply with corporate diversity obligations.
Todays world is more diverse than ever. While the U.S. workforce may reflect these changing demographics, corporate leadership has been slower to adapt, and state legislators and national regulators have taken notice and action. From mandatory quotas to mandatory disclosures, companies of all sizes and all industries now face a nuanced landscape of board of director diversity requirements.
This presentation will tackle the complexities of corporate diversity in three parts. First, attendees will examine the impact of diversity in the boardroom, both from the perspective of directors as well as researchers. Second, this presentation will provide an overview of the relevant laws and regulations governing director diversity across the U.S., including laws in California, New York, Illinois, and Washington, as well as relevant SEC, Nasdaq, and NYSE rules. Finally, after comparing director diversity statistics before and after the enactment of relevant laws and rules, this presentation will survey potential new sources of future diversity regulation. This topic is critical for companies that desire to ensure they understand and comply with their corporate diversity obligations.
Date: 2023-01-11 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to describe the current landscape of board of director diversity requirements.
* You will be able to discuss relevant laws and regulations governing director diversity.
* You will be able to review the impact of diversity in the boardroom from the perspective of directors and researchers.
* You will be able to identify potential new sources of future diversity regulation.