OSHA Competent Person Requirements


SKU: 411404


Understand OSHAs competent persons requirements and how to ensure employees designated competent persons satisfy applicable requirements.
Many employers and company managers responsible for operations and safety do not understand OSHAs requirements relating to competent persons. Often, worksites have employees with the expertise and skills to be competent persons but are not competent persons because they lack the authority to make safetyrelated changes to qualify.
This program will help responsible persons understand OSHAs requirements associated with competent persons and important actions required to ensure employees designated competent persons satisfy applicable requirements. Failing to meet OSHAs requirements covering competent persons can result in a poor safety record, injuries, hospitalizations, fatalities, and citations. The information presented in this webinar is critical to employers so they can ensure an effective safety program and culture.

Date: 2024-05-29 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to define OSHAs requirements associated with a competent person.

* You will be able to recognize deficiencies in relation to competent persons.

* You will be able to correct deficiencies in your safety program and operations in relation to competent persons.

* You will be able to explain the differences between a competent person and a qualified person pursuant to OSHAs standards.


OSHA Competent Person Requirements
• Definition
• Duty to Designate
• Expertise
• Authority
• Training

Competent Persons vs. Qualified Persons
• OSHA Qualified Person Requirements
• Differences

OSHA General Industry Standards Relating to Competent Persons

OSHA General Industry Standards Relating to Qualified Persons

OSHA Construction Industry Standards Relating to Competent Persons

OSHA Maritime Industry Standards Relating to Competent Persons

OSHA Gear Certification Standards Relating to Competent Persons

Multi-Employer Worksite Competent Person Requirements


ASA ,BCSP ,CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,ENG ,HR Certification Institute ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Tracy L. Moon, Jr.-Fisher & Phillips LLP