Understand the difference between being a board member and being an attorney rendering legal advice to a nonprofit organization.
Lawyers often serve as board members for nonprofit corporations. In some instances, they are sought out by organizations seeking their input in the form of volunteer professional advice as a means for the nonprofit to reduce administrative expenses and focus funds on programmatic goals. In other cases, the motivation is from the attorney desiring to give back to his or her community, particularly for transactional attorneys who may eagerly choose nonprofit board involvement rather than pro bono court appearances. Despite the best intentions, in the absence of clear expectations, at times, these arrangements may do a disservice to both the organization and the attorney. Nonprofits certainly can benefit from the sound advice and counseling of board members with legal training. This topic will assist attorney board members in understanding their role on the board, including the balance between fiduciary obligations as a board member and professional obligations if representing the organization.
Date: 2023-06-26 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives