Explore how to overcome fear, rejection, and setbacks.Many people go through life letting fear control them. They get set back once or twice and give up. They let rejection dictate how far they go in their career and relationships. Sadly, many let fear of rejection and getting set back control their lives. Many of these people are inches from success but fail because they think that life should be easy and comfortable when what they really need is to accept that life was NEVER intended to be easy, learn to accept the pain and discomfort, and get brave. Being brave is, by definition, really hard. But it’s where life is truly lived and the only place where you will find real accomplishment. This course will explore how to overcome fear, rejection, and setbacks by getting brave. Then it will be your job to feel the fear and step into it anyway.
Date: 2023-06-22 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives