Gain an understanding of the liability that nursing professionals and the overview as to what their initial responsibilities are under their licenses.Being a licensed nursing professional sends the message to patients that you have been educated, trained and are competent in your practice. Unfortunately, in today’s increasingly litigious society, claimants take the position that all bad outcomes are the result of professional negligence and target licensed professionals, their employers and insurance carriers as being in violation of the practice act, the standard of care andor the criminal statutes. The allegations take the form of administrative complaints, lawsuits or prosecutions. This information focuses on the nursing profession and helps nurses responsible for patient care in hospitals, longterm care facilities, the home health care setting and hospice setting to understand the following the duties and responsibilities arising out of their license the standard of care for nurses areas of risk to liability exposure in the administrative, civil and criminal court systems the various forums and processes involved in addressing patient claims and the best practices to reduce and or avoid risk. This information is a must for practicing nurses.
Date: 2019-02-22 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives