Passive Activity Losses in Real Estate (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 402961EAU


Understand how to properly capture passive activity income in order to utilize available passive losses.Due to multiple new 2019 rules, this program will present topics that are essential for tax season. We saw the initial introduction of the TCJA mandated rules in the 2018 tax filing season including Section 199A deductions, interest expense limitations, and limitations on the use of excess business losses. Losses will now require new ordering priorities and computations. The topic will present examples of the relationship between these various new rules. We will also discuss the computations essential for the calculations of net operating losses and how they are utilized after the TCJA. An additional highlight of the program will be a discussion of how to properly capture passive activity income in order to utilize available passive losses.

Date: 2019-12-05 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Overview of the Passive Activity Rules

TCJA Considerations and Timing Rules

Section 199A and Aggregation

Real Estate Professionals

Aggregation and Grouping Elections

Recent Cases and Rulings

How to Avoid Audit Traps

No Credit Available

Robert S. Barnett, CPA, Esq.-Capell Barnett Matalon & Schoenfeld LLP