Gain a better understanding of the most pressing payroll tax issues you may face.
Each year, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) updates many tax threshold amounts and reporting requirements critical to payroll, accounting, and human resource professionals. Limits change, reporting requirements are updated, and new reporting forms are often introduced. This presentation will provide the information you need to be compliant with IRS tax limits, forms, and regulations. Verifying your system thresholds are set up correctly and benefit plans are updated is key to a more compliant 2023 tax year. You will be provided with the tools to confidently move into 2023, leaving 2022 in the rearview mirror.
Date: 2023-02-02 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to define the 2023 threshold changes for Social Security, health plans, and deferred compensation.
* You will be able to discuss the impact of FUTA credit reductions for the applicable states.
* You will be able to explain the reporting requirements for 1099MISC, 1099NEC, and 1099K.
* You will be able to identify taxable vs. nontaxable fringe benefits.