Gain the tools needed to assist in creating measurable outcomes when managing a remote workforce.
When managing a remote workforce, needs can be different compared to inperson management. The daily facetoface interaction is transferred to a virtual environment and typically scheduled, which can make monitoring performance metrics challenging or confusing. This topic will provide traditional methods to use when measuring performance with industryleading tools to assist in creating measurable outcomes when managing a remote workforce. The material also explains methods and approaches to analyzing relative ways of measuring performance and setting realistic goals at any level of management. It is critical to have a plan and strategy to reduce costs or respond to remote work needs. This information is essential to have in the everchanging remote workforce.
Date: 2023-09-25 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to describe what remote workforce results align with traditional measurements.
* You will be able to identify how to set goals that reflect the organizations culture.
* You will be able to recognize what communication styles and needs work best for the remote workforce.
* You will be able to review how remote performance measures can meet organizational goals.